Service | Barrel Honing
Barrel Honing is the process of high precision grinding of the barrel interior walls. The general uses are for removing pitting marks and expanding choke sizes on fixed choke barrels.

What We Offer
Barrel Honing is a delicate process, calculated in 1/1000th of millimeters using a specially designed honing machine. Special care is taken while performing this job as you can take away from the barrel wall, but you can't ever add it back on. The work is charged at our hourly rate, and normally takes between 30mins and an hour per set of barrels depending on the amount of work.
We also offer a Barrel Blacking Service - Find out more

Fine Tuning
If you suspect pitting damage in your barrels, we can remove the bare minimum from the interior wall to remove the pitting marks, but more importantly not change the weight, or the way your gun shoots and handles.