Scope Mounting | Common Problems
Everyday we deal with customers with mounting problems, and we can normally spot what's wrong with it fairly quickly. We use and recommend mounts by Recknagel and Zielger and we can find the right part to mount your scope perfectly and most important, correctly. There can be a number of problems with your mount system, we have listed a few below, so if your shooting is a little off, don't blame yourself right away, take a look at your mounts and think again.
Scope Alignment
This happens when the scope has been mounted incorrectly to the barrel, and the scope is not pointing at the same angle as the barrel. This can be quite a big problem, especially at further distances.
At Alan Rhone Ltd, we can perform checks to see whether this is a factor, and will be able to set it right for you. The angle of the scope to the barrel is vital, and how much it effects you accuracy the further your target is. A basic calculation shows, even at 30 meters, only 0.1º of misalignment would be the difference between a good shot and a great shot.

Incorrect Parts
It's important to get the right parts for the job, otherwise you'll be getting problems very soon after they're fitted.See from the diagram of the barrel diameter, you will need mounts to fit the barrel exactly to ensure the mounts keep aligned correctly.
We have expert knowledge and experience of fitting pretty much any mounts. With the wide range of Recknagel mounting parts we will be able to find the right solution for you in no time.

Wrong Mount Heights = Not Parallel
When mounting rings, it's important that the rings are parallel with the scope, otherwise not only will you get a wrong angle with the trajectory of the barrel, you can also do damage to the scope.Damage to the scope can happen when you have ill fitting rings, and upon tightening them to the scope, the tension actually bends the tube of the scope. This tension is easily avoided as long as you know the right mounts to fit.

Trusted Hardware
We thoroughly trial and test a product for quality before we decide to use and sell it, this way we can be sure we are passing on quality to our customers. The ranges of hardware available from Recknagel, Contessa and Ziegler are outstanding quality, each made by skilled and trusted manufacturers that we have built very positive relationships with over the years.